Having a tooth pain can be frustrating for anyone of any age. Individuals must be able to quickly get relief from toothache pain so that they feel better soon. It is essential to understand the causes and how to treat toothaches.

female dentist showing female toothache patient her dental X-ray

Toothaches Explained

Toothaches can cause minor to severe pain around or within the tooth. Occasionally, the tooth is to blame. Otherwise, a foreign object or gum tissue can cause the problem. Anyone should consult a dentist immediately if they are experiencing toothache symptoms. A person can experience the following symptoms when a person has a toothache.

  • Inflammation of gum tissue around an infected tooth
  • The tooth discharges pus and has a foul odor
  • Tooth drainage leaves a bad taste
  • An intermittent or constant tooth pain that can range from a dull ache to throbbing
  • Fever, headache, or jaw pain

Sometimes, tooth pain can resolve on its own. However, make a dentist visit if the pain continues for more than two days or if fever, swelling, and drainage of pus accompany the pain.

Why Do We Get Toothaches?

Toothaches can occur for many reasons. First, individuals must determine the cause of toothaches. Then, people can fix some minor problems at home. First, however, many people need to visit their dental professional for a diagnosis. Here are some common reasons why a person might get a toothache.

  • Eroding enamel
  • Dental decay
  • Fillings with damage
  • An abscess
  • Tooth degradation from grinding
  • Dental injuries

A visit to the dentist immediately will help you determine what’s causing your toothache and how to fix it. Individuals must recognize the signs and symptoms of tooth pain to get immediate relief.

What Are Some Home Remedies For a Toothache?

It is essential to learn how to relieve toothaches. You can obtain short-term relief at home by doing some simple things. While these steps do not replace a visit to the dentist, they can provide temporary relief while you wait. However, these steps will help you get immediate relief:

  • An ice compress or icepack will provide immediate relief. Place them on the affected area for no more than 20 minutes.
  • Toothache pain can be relieved by rinsing your teeth with warm saltwater. Saltwater can help in several ways. First, saltwater helps to loosen any debris pressing on the teeth. Second, saltwater can also reduce inflammation and disinfect the teeth.
  • Hydrogen peroxide rinses are also beneficial in relieving pain and inflammation around teeth.
  • As a treatment for toothache, you can also use over-the-counter pain medication like NSAIDs or acetaminophen.

What Can a Dentist Do to Help?

A full exam is required before a patient can visit the dentist to treat tooth pain. The dental office may also take X-rays. Dentists use X-rays to determine the root cause of tooth pain and create a treatment plan.

The cause of a toothache is what will determine the treatment. For example, the dentist may fill a tooth if there is decay. If the pain does not subside quickly, the dentist will recommend a root canal procedure. Patients may require a root canal if the tooth is severely infected.

Now is the perfect time to receive treatment for your tooth pain. The treatment will eliminate your tooth pain, and you will feel normal again. Get treatment before it becomes a severe issue. Contact a local dentist and make an appointment so you can feel normal again.
