Getting hearing aids is an essential step on your journey to better health. Hearing aids can help you hear the sounds of life again and reconnect with family, friends and loved ones.

To get hearing aids, you must visit a specialist clinic and have an in-person consultation with an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. These professionals have master’s degrees and can diagnose and fit hearing aids.

Free Hearing Assessments

A hearing assessment can be a simple screening or clinical examination. It is usually performed by an audiologist, who can check whether you have hearing loss and its severity. It also can help determine if you are a good candidate for a sashc.com.au hearing aids centre Adelaide and what type might suit you best.

Several tests can be done to assess your hearing, including otoacoustic emissions and audiometry (checking how well sound travels through your ears). The most common test is a speech discrimination test that involves listening to words or sentences with a backing track of background noise. Other tests that can be used are tympanometry (which checks the flexibility and movement of your eardrum) and an acoustic immittance test.

In many cases, a hearing assessment will reveal that you have either a sensorineural or conductive hearing loss (or possibly a combination). The most common cause of this is ageing. However, exposure to loud noise over a prolonged period can also contribute to hearing loss. It is noise-induced hearing loss and can be prevented using proper hearing protection.

If your results indicate significant hearing loss, booking a follow-up appointment with an audiologist is essential. It will allow you to discuss the results and decide what type of hearing aid might suit you. It will also be an opportunity to discuss any other issues that you might have regarding your hearing.

Depending on your eligibility, you may be able to receive free hearing aids through the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program. This subsidised scheme assists low-income earners and can cover professional assessment, device fitting, earmolds, batteries and regular follow-up appointments. It can also provide a “top-up” option for additional features such as Bluetooth functionality and wireless microphones. These other functions are often not included in the standard sashc.com.au hearing aids centre Adelaide supplied by the HSP, and the top-up cost is typically around $200 per year.

Free Hearing Aid Trials

If you are unsure if hearing aids are correct, we offer a FREE hearing aid trial. During the trial period, an experienced audiologist will discuss your communication challenges and demonstrate the benefits of hearing aids for your particular situation. The audiologist will also provide added support and instruction on using the hearing aids.

The audiologist will fit you with the latest technology that suits your unique needs and lifestyle. We have an extensive range of hearing aids suitable for all budgets. All of our hearing aids, except the basic level, will connect to your mobile phone for hands-free calls, stream music and podcasts, have a rechargeable battery, are waterproof and can be programmed to suit your specific needs.

Our latest offering, the Oticon Xceed, is clinically proven to deliver better speech clarity with less listening effort than previous generations of powerful Oticon hearing aids1. The audiologist will tailor your Xceed hearing aid settings and programs to meet your goals, needs, and preferences.

If you are a Pensioner Cardholder or DVA client, the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) has a program that provides a subsidy for hearing aids. The audiologist will discuss your options during your first hearing assessment.

Free Hearing Aid Maintenance

For those with eligible government subsidies, we can offer a service of free maintenance of your hearing aids. It includes servicing and cleaning, replacement of batteries, and minor repairs, such as replacing the ear moulds on behind-the-ear aids. These services are essential to keep your hearing aids working well and will help you get the most out of your investment.

Keeping your hearing aids clean will help you hear better, maintain their performance and extend their lifespan. They should always be kept in a dry place when they are not being worn. They should be removed before taking a bath or shower and when applying hairspray, makeup, or other sprays that may damage the microphones or other components. They should be kept in a case to protect them when not in use and be stored away from children and pets, as they tend to be attractive to dogs.
