The buzz of the dreaded house fly is all too common in living rooms and kitchens across the nation during the warm summer months.

These critters aren’t just annoying due to the incessant buzzing noise they create either, but actually pose a genuine threat to health by spreading all sorts of nasty germs over the surfaces they land on.

Flies will just as happily feed on animal waste as they will on the lovely cake sitting in your kitchen and will spread bacteria between the two on their feet and mouths.

We are a professional pest control Liverpool area expert and you would be amazed just how many calls we get in the summer from home and business owners who are struggling to keep flies at bay.

If you want to keep your home clean and hygienic, keeping flies at bay is an absolute must, but how exactly can this be done?

House flies have a pretty short lifespan but they put it to good use, reproducing rapidly and an infestation will soon get out of control. If you do indeed believe that you have an infestation of house flies on your property, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a professional pest control company in your area.

How to keep house flies away

If you are looking for simple ways to deter house flies from your home and keep your living space buzz free this summer, you are in the right place.

Here are some great fly prevention tips to remember.

Keep it clean

Waste, particularly food waste, is incredibly attractive to flies who will be able to scent it from afar. Make sure to clean away all dirty plates as soon as you have finished eating and seal all food packaging when not in use.

Use natural scents

Flies dislike the scent of plants such as lavender and peppermint so placing these around your property will make it a far less attractive place to be for a fly, all whilst making your home smell fantastic! As well as physical plants, these scents can be spread by soaking cotton wool balls in scented oil and placing them in strategic locations.

Clear away spills immediately

As soon as food or drink it spilt, clear it away and clean the area with a scent removing cleaning solution. This again will stop flies being attracted to your home by a smell that promises to deliver a tasty snack.

Install fly screens

Closing all of your windows fully during the summer is neither realistic or healthy. Fly screens allow you to let in a lovely breeze from outside without risking letting all sorts of flying insects find their way through at the same time. These screens not only keep out the pesky house fly but also wasps, mosquitoes and other common household insect pests.

Clean up after your pets

Pet faeces is attractive to flies so make sure to clean up straight away when your pet goes to the toilet either in a litter tray or in the back garden.
